WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2024

WAI Event
  June 11, 2024 - June 12, 2024

  Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino | Montville, Connecticut, United States

The WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo is organized by WAI and is held biennially.

Wire Expo is organized by The Wire Association International (WAI) and is held biennially in a different industry hub within the U.S. for the wire and cable manufacturing industry. The event incorporates technical paper presentations, a comprehensive exhibit, on-floor production solutions demonstrations, networking activities, and more.
The next Wire Expo is June 11-12, 2024 at the Mohegan Sun Resort and Casino, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA.

Get set to see more than 70 products and service types from more than 150 exhibiting companies. Everything you'll need to start or improve your wire making operation is here.

The conference program delivers the how and now of wire and cable making. Learn innovative plans manufacturers are making to meet the future of wire and cable making.

Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing is The Wire Association’s most popular training and refresher course for new hires, sales teams, and operations personnel.
(Preconference and requires separate registration)


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All Dates

  • From June 11, 2024 to June 12, 2024