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The Wire Cable Manufacturers Alliance (WCMA) will hold its annual meeting and holiday luncheon on Nov. 30, at the Downtown Hartford Marriott, Hartford, Connecticut.

The event will start at 11 am with networking, followed by lunch, a featured speaker, then a general membership meeting followed by a Young Professional Session.

For more information and to register, go to the WCMA website at www.wcmainc.org, or call WCMA Executive Director Ed Fenton at tel. 860-841-7720.

The below piece ran in the Asia Focus section of WJI's October issue

The search for a room-temperature superconductive material has long been pursued, but so far it has remained a scientific theory. There is widespread interest in recent claims from South Korean researchers who believe that LK-99 could be for real. While further assessment of K-99 may well show that it is not “for real,” that possibility is hard to ignore.

Word that a new superconductor—LK-99—can work at room temperatures or higher, and at ambient pressure, recently fueled an online frenzy that led to much discussion as to whether it could for real. By press time, the story that broke in July and was abuzz in early August may not just be yesterday’s news, but yesterday’s news refuted, as there are many questions about the concept from Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim, and colleagues, of South Korea’s Quantum Energy Research Centre.

Per Wikipedia, LK-99 is a potential room-temperature superconductor with a gray-black appearance that is said to have a hexagonal structure that is slightly modified from lead‒apatite by adding small amounts of copper. In 1999, a Korea University team led by Lee and Kim claimed that the material acts as a superconductor at temperatures below 400 K (127°C/260°F) and at ambient pressure. Not much happened until recently, when a July 22 technical paper by Lee and Kim (their names led to the LK-99 tag) jolted the technical field as they implied that room-temperature capability may be possible.

On Aug. 4, 2023, a report sent to SBS News said that high-quality LK-99 samples may exhibit diamagnetism 5,450 times greater than graphite, while low-quality samples may demonstrate an effect up to 23 times stronger. The only way that could be, the report said, is if the substance is a superconductor.

A recent story in BusinessKorea said that the Korean Superconductivity Society recently established a committee of experts to verify LK-99, a room-temperature superconductor developed by Korean researchers affiliated with the Quantum Energy Research Center (QERC) among others. The society said it plans to provide samples produced by the QERC for testing.

While LK-99 would be a stunning advance if it was found to be scientifically verified, several wire and cable manufacturers have been working on them, albeit with technology that does not work at room temperatures.

In 2021, South Korea’s LS Cable & System developed a next-generation 23 kV triaxial superconducting cable and obtained an IEC on the product. Currently, only three companies in the world can make superconducting cables, and LS Cable & System notes that it is the only one that established an international standard for a triaxial superconducting cable.
WJI asked LS Cable & System whether it was involved in any way with the research into LK-99, and got the following reply. “The superconducting cable commercialized by LS Cable & System is a product with a different technology from LK-99, which has recently become an issue.”

That response did not state that South Korea’s LS Cable & System was not interested in the potential of LK-99, only that at this point it is not part of the current activity.

LK-99 technology is worth pursuing as multiple reports note that its hoped-for potential would be an amazing advance. It has been likened to the search for the Holy Grail, yet it also evokes decades-old memories of claims of “cold fusion” for nuclear energy that never materialized. And yes, there are skeptics for LK-99.

To date, there has been no scientific validation of LK-99, although there was one report of observed superconductivity at 110 K by a team from Southeast University, China. However, the absence of the Meissner effect (a defining characteristic of superconductors) was questioned as well as the testing method.

There has been considerable response, most doubting the accuracy of the claims. An article published by Time said that on July 31, researchers from the National Physical Laboratory of India uploaded a paper that found that LK-99 is not superconductive. Veerpal Singh Awana, chief scientist at the National Physical Laboratory, posted details online outlining his group’s unsuccessful efforts to replicate the findings. Also, researchers from Beihang University in Beijing uploaded a paper on July 31 that found that LK-99 is not superconductive.
Other warning flags were that there was no heat anomaly test and no definition of “zero resistance.”

An editorial in The Hindu was blunt. “For another claim this year, of a material that reportedly superconducts near room temperature and under much less pressure than others of its kind, its originators shared instructions to synthesize it but refused to share samples, claiming they constituted intellectual property. While this may be, their refusal vitiated the proper process of science in the face of such an extraordinary claim.”

Another on-line article, in the Korean Joongang Daily, said that a researcher from the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (Kentech) “confirmed that the crystal structure of LK-99 is in line with what has been suggested in manuscripts put forward by the Korean scientists, according to local media reports.” At the same time, it noted that The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics looking into the claims believes that “based on the studies and footage, the material appearing in the research and the footage cannot be considered as a room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor.”

But for now, LK-99 is front and center, and multiple Korean researchers are assessing the technology. If it is deemed feasible, more than one wire and cable manufacturer would be very, very interested.

It felt like old (better) times for the WAI’s New England Chapter, which held its annual meeting at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Montville, Connecticut, where 120 members and guests were able to mingle, recognize their new leaders, network, listen to an inspiring keynote speaker, get a keepsake photo, raise money for a good cause and just interact as the wire and cable industry does so well, given a chance.
The new officers for 2023 are President Jessica Foss, Electric Cable Compounds; Vice President Ryan Carbray, Alphagary; and Secretary Mike Roussel, Celanese Corp. The Past President is Mike Sarni, Insulated Wire, Inc.
Maxing out the capacity of the Mohegan’s Cabaret Theater, the gathering was akin to those held in pre-Covid times, enough that the Annual Dinner Committee will discuss other venue options within Mohegan for the 2024 meeting.
Speaking later, Jessica Foss, market development manager for Electric Cable Compounds, was pleased with the solid attendance, and observed that the chapter’s role continues to serve an important need. “Since I joined the industry, the Chapter has exemplified the tight knit community that is wire and cable. We certainly want the chapter to grow and have an even greater presence in the industry. To achieve this, we will continue to host events and programs that foster fraternity through networking and educational opportunities that offer an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge in a specific area. That includes getting to see other companies’ operations. I think it is also important that our annual events have a fresh feel each year.”
Keynote speaker Michelle Dray, creator of the “Getting Unstuck & Leading Fearlessly” program, presenting a different focus on personnel. Her 11-week program is designed for women, but she told attendees that it also applied to men. She explained the different signs of “career stuck-ness, and how they were different for industry newcomers (0-five years) or those who have been around longer, but also face plateau issues. Her message worked, and she had very good reviews.
The dinner itself was again well done. There was a review of chapter activity in 2022. As the society continues to adjust to life with Covid, the chapter’s annual golf tournament on Sept. 10 was a strong step forward to “normalcy,” with a maxed out field of 148 golfers at the Tunxis Country Club in Farmington, Connecticut. The Oct. 25 tour of the RFS plant in Meriden saw some 50 members take part, touring the operations, followed by a dinner at a well-chosen restaurant steps away from the Connecticut River. As of Feb. 10, the chapter numbers 266 members, by far the largest WAI chapter.
The raffle continues to support the chapter’s scholarship program. For hockey fans in attendance, the grand raffle prize, sponsored by Lloyd & Bouvier, was a pair of golden ducats: two tickets to a Bruins vs. Toronto Maple Leafs game. Gem Gravure Co., Inc., continued its legacy of generosity, providing tickets to Boston Red Sox games. The Mohegan Sun also donated two tickets to an Air Supply concert.
You didn’t have to win to walk away with a good memory as award winning photographer Ashley Abel worked a photobooth where attendees could get a free headshot or take a fun group photo with industry colleagues. Abel took the photos on this page.
Finally, a new concept suggested by golf committee chair Jim Evans, approved by the Chapter’s board, was introduced: a trophy for the winning team. It was presented to Proterial Cable America (formerly Hitachi America).
The ante may just have been upped some for bragging rights for the Sept. 11, 2023, golf

The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc. announces details of its annual conference program, offered May 9-11 in conjunction with INTERWIRE at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Presentations include two keynote addresses; a featured speaker; focused sessions on Industry 4.0, the Workforce, and Extrusion/Polymers; Industry Outlook panel sessions; nine technical sessions; a Mordica lecture; and production solution demonstrations as outlined below. All are included with Conference and Exhibit registration.

WAI’s popular Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing course is offered as a pre-show option on May 8 for those either new to the industry or in need of a refresher.

Srinivas Siripurapu, Chief Innovation and R&D Officer, Prysmian, delivers his keynote address on May 9: “Innovation, Investments & Incentives – Electrifying the wire and cable industry for a brighter future.”

Rich Stinson, President and CEO of Southwire Co. presents “The future is electrified!” on May 10.

Dr. Mary Ellen Weber, astronaut, executive, aviator, and scientist presents: “To boldly go: The experience of space flight” on May 10. Dr. Weber offers a second presentation that afternoon at the WAI Theater in exhibit Hall A titled: “A new era of space travel: Commercial space, NASA, tourism, the Moon, and Mars.”

• “How AI will change wire & cable manufacturing,” Willem Sundblad, Oden Technologies.
• “The future of industrial work: How Smart AI is helping to unlock the true potential of today’s workforce,” Russ Fadel, Augmentir.
• “Unleashing the full potential of Industrial IoT with GPT-3,” Andrés Cartagena Ruiz, 40Factory.
• “Lessons from the journey to a connected enterprise, Will Berry, Sr. VP engineering and modernization, Southwire Co.

• “Behind the numbers…Establishing world class safety and training programs,” Rob Caillet, VP of environmental, health and safely, Encore Wire.
• “The state of the manufacturing workplace,” Matt Dionne, Managing partner, TYGES Executive and professional search firm.
• Executive panel: Adapting to the workforce challenges with senior industry leaders. Moderator Drew Richards, president RichardsApex; Panelists: Joe Barrett, president, Davis Wire; David Fisher, president, James Monroe Wire & Cable.

• “Advanced extrusion technology,” Mikko Lahti, R & D director, Maillefer Extrusion.
• “Polymer technology for wire and cable applications,” David Lindsay, market manager-energy, North America, Borealis.
• “What are you risking by using outdated controls on your extruder?”, Scott Barlow, CEO, Integrated Control Technologies.

• “Can the cable industry avoid the impending economic downturn?” Aisling Hubert, editor, CRU.
• Executive Panel – “Steel Market.”
• Executive Panel – “Copper Supply and Demand.”

Conference and Exhibit registration also includes presentations at the WAI Theater in exhibit Hall A, featuring:

• “In-situ evaluation of the performance of wire drawing using multiple sensors.”
• “The future of industrial work - How Smart AI is helping to unlock the true potential of today’s workforce.”
• “Inline surface dimensional flaw detection and outer diameter/ovality measurements using laser line triangulation.”
• “Manufacturing high-quality fine copper wire at a low cost by combining three-roll rolling and wire drawing.”
• “Application of polymer lubricants to replace zinc phosphate in wire drawing.”
• “Thermo-mechanical and air patenting in modern rolling: characteristics and advantages.”
• “Achieving high quality in wire using eddy current testing.”
• “Inline profiling of magnet wires for e-mobility.”
• “UPCAST oxygen free copper rod metallurgy, OFHC/OFE wire manufacturing, and other practicalities.”

Presentation by Dr. Bruce Kiefer, “Ferrous rod – Before it gets to be wire.”

Manufacturing challenges and common process hurdles are reviewed at these live demos offered May 10 and 11 featuring:
• “Factors affecting wire production from precoats to lubricants.”
• “Wire breaks.”
• “Wire drawing die material and profile specification considerations.”

300 exhibiting companies participate at the INTERWIRE marketplace to showcase the latest products and developed technologies available to wire and cable manufacturers; 80 product categories are represented. WAI introduces more than 30 new exhibiting companies to the INTERWIRE this year.

Conference and exhibit schedule, details, and registration information is available on the event website: www.interwire23.com.

Introduced in 1981, INTERWIRE is the largest and longest-running wire and cable marketplace in the Americas. Hosted biennially, Interwire is an international trade event that includes exhibiting companies, speakers, and visitors from more than 50 countries.

WAI, founded in 1930, is a not-for-profit association with more than 2000 individual members in 50 countries. The association serves the educational needs of the wire and cable manufacturing industry through a variety of products and services. WAI manages the Interwire Trade Exhibition and the WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo and publishes the Wire Journal International and the Wire Journal International Reference Guide.

Wire Reel Moving Devices: A Proactive Approach to Safety that Improves Productivity and Profitability

Sponsored by PowerPusher

Super PowerPusher with reel attachment.

In recent years, improving worker safety has become an important focus in most industries, as job-related injuries can result in employee absenteeism, reduced productivity, and increased costs. Many material handling applications including reel moving, pose serious health and safety risks, requiring workers to move heavy loads either through sheer manpower or by using equipment that is unstable, difficult to control or ergonomically deficient. To overcome these safety challenges, the development of battery-operated tug devices allows employees to single-handedly move materials weighing thousands of pounds without exposing them to unnecessary risk of injury. Battery operated tugs enhance safety by preventing operator strain and reducing potential collisions on busy plant floors, resulting in improved productivity and efficiency—ultimately impacting a company’s overall profitability.

Material handling applications often require operators to move objects weighing thousands of pounds, which can result in serious safety and health consequences. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021, an estimated 2.6 million workers in the United States suffered nonfatal work-related injuries, which not only affects productivity, but also directly impacts a company’s bottom line. Each injury results in workers’ compensation, insurance increases, lost productivity, and diverse indirect costs, which amount to billions of dollars each year nationwide.

Traditionally, industries have been utilizing manpower, forklift trucks and pallet jacks to transport goods throughout a facility. While effective solutions for moving goods, these devices create worker vulnerability by exposing them to potential injury, such as muscle strains, nerve damage or in some cases, even death. Lacking stability and control, forklifts and pallet jacks increase the likelihood of incidental contact with personnel and equipment, while manpower can lead to injuries resulting from overexertion.

With today’s industries moving faster than ever, implementing solutions that adhere to strict safety regulations without impacting productivity is crucial to meeting growing customer demands. The development of battery-operated tug units, which are capable of effortlessly moving thousands of pounds, eliminates excess strain or exertion to personnel for increased material handling safety. With their inherent stability, tugs accommodate uneven surfaces without tipping, and are engineered to simplify material mobility. This allows facility managers to not only minimize risk of injury, but also improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Please visit our site to see the Compact Walk-Behind Electric Pushers & Tugs for Any Application.

Nu-Star Inc., parent company of PowerPusher®, is a global manufacturer of engineered solutions for material handling needs since 1959, and operates facilities in the US and UK. Learn more about their years of experience as a leading designer, manufacturer and innovator in the industry who provides state-of-the-art, reliable, cost-effective load-moving solutions that deliver tangible productivity and safety benefits in a wide variety of applications. Learn more at www.powerpusher.com  and view the complete line of PowerPusher electric material handling tugs. To contact PowerPusher directly, call 800.800.9274 or visit https://powerpusher.com/contact/.

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The Wire Association Int.

71 Bradley Road, Suite 9

Madison, CT 06443-2662

P: (203) 453-2777