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Essex Furukawa expands its industry relationship with The COPPER MARK

12/6/21 –  Essex Furukawa has expanded its relationship with The Copper Mark, the only comprehensive social and environmental assurance program for the copper industry, to join as semis-fabricator partners committed to participate in a pilot program.

A press release said that the partnership aligns with Essex Furukawa and its Vision 2030 to meet the Accountability, Reporting, and Governance (elements) as well as Supply Chain Transparency of its holistic sustainability program.

The Copper Mark is an assurance framework available for the copper industry to demonstrate its responsible production practices and its contribution to the United Nations SDGs. There are two phases where the Copper Mark and Essex Furukawa will work together. The first is self-assessment, to run to March 2022, and the second, the assurance process, is from April 2022 to December 2022.

“Being able to further advance our sourcing, sustainability, and external partnerships like those with The Copper Mark all positively impact Vision 2030 as well as Essex Furukawa and the entire copper industry,” said Austin Robinson, sustainability project manager for Essex Furukawa. “While it is far from the finish line for the task at hand for Essex Furukawa, it is a tremendous step in the direction of Vision 2030 achieving its leadership position in the industry.”

Read 5170 times Last modified on December 7, 2021

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