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WAI issues call for 2024 WAI Scholar Featured

The WAI is seeking applicants for the 2024 Wire Link Traveling Scholarship, a program that sends a wire professional to Europe where he or she can see how different companies operate as well as to attend the wire Düsseldorf show in Germany in April 15-19, 2024.

The Association is looking for ambitious wire professionals who have been employed for at least two years in the wire and cable (or related) industries, including manufacturers and suppliers. The program alternates between a U.S. representative going to Europe, and a U.K. representative going to the U.S. through the program’s co-sponsor, the Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers alias Wire Workers of England.

The scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who best demonstrates to the judges how the award will help him or her grow professionally, gain a broadened knowledge of the industry and share those benefits with his or her company. All expenses will be met by the sponsors during the trip to the U.K. and Germany. The only employer cost is the employee’s time, and travel to and from the departure airport.

The most recent WAI Wire Link Traveling Scholar, in 2022, was Erika Akins, who at the time was an applications engineer for Southwire Company. She was promoted to applications engineering manager in April.
Some past WireLink Scholars have fared quite well in the industry, such as Kurt Breischaft, the 2006 winner, who at the time worked for Belden CDT. He is now president of SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS, and is serving as the 2023 president of the WAI.

Official rules, regulations & entry requirements
Candidates must:

• Be employed full-time in the wire and cable industry
for at least two years at the time of travel.
• Be a Wire Association International member in good
standing at the time of application and travel.
• Be available for an interview.
• Be able to attend the Award Presentation at the WAI annual meeting in the following spring.
• Be able to travel to England and Wire Düsseldorf for two weeks that same spring.
• Be employed by his/her nominating company at the time of travel.
• Have a signed letter of recommendation from an
appropriate company official.
• Be able to present a full report of his/her visit to the director of the company that recommended him/her and to the WAI for potential publication in the WJI.
• Submit an essay submission explaining how the applicant can meet the objective of the scholarship, and how the experience would broaden his/her knowledge of wire and the wire industry for his/her benefit and the benefit of his/her company.

Submissions/questions can be sent to the WAI’s Wire Foundation via wirenet.org. Questions can also be sent by applicants and employers to WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 1277 times Last modified on November 5, 2023

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The Wire Association Int.

71 Bradley Road, Suite 9

Madison, CT 06443-2662

P: (203) 453-2777