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Wire Journal News

WAI Sales Manager Shannon Timme to replace departing Robert Xeller at year’s end

12/6/21 Madison, Connecticut, USA. – Sales Manager Shannon Timme will replace departing Sales Director Xeller, who at year’s end will assume a reduced role and retire after Wire Expo 2022 next June.

Timme will be taking on new duties that will see her ensuring that the Association’s Interwire and Wire Expo trade shows continue to be quality events. She joined WAI as sales manager in October 2017, and during her time with the Association has been a very energetic presence, and not just in direct sales of ad space. She has crusaded for greater use of social media, cross-marketing, further improvements to wirenet.org, starting a WAI newsletter, supporting sponsorships, broadening the scope of the rate card, and more. She has also been very active as the WAI liaison to the WAI’s New England Chapter.

Prior to joining WAI, Timme worked for five years for Shore Publishing in Madison, Connecticut, where she was a senior multimedia specialist and a strategic advertising account manager. She has a daughter, Blair, who is in college, and a son, Nolan, who is in high school.

Read 2410 times Last modified on December 6, 2021

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