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New date and location announced for wire China 2022 Featured

Citing the current Covid-19 situation, the organizers of wire China 2022 announced that the event—originally scheduled for Sept. 26-29 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center—will now be held at Nanjing International Expo Center on Nov. 8-11, 2022.

A press release said that Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute Co., consulting with various industry experts, concluded that Nanjing would be the ideal platform to hold wire China 2022. It will be joined by sister event, Tube China 2022. Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province, is a modern industrial clustered city about three hours driving distance from Shanghai.

The concurrent events, China Wire & Cable Industry Conference, China Wire & Cable Material Conference and China Winding Wire Conference will also take place at the same time.

“The organizers of wire China shall spare no effort on the preparation work and will launch concerted campaigns to present a high-quality event. wire China 2022 in Nanjing will continue to provide an influential platform to the wire and cable industry,” the release said.

The visitor registration system will be valid till early November (www.wirechina.net). Visitors who have already registered for wire China 2022 can keep the previous registration codes and claim their badges onsite. Meanwhile, the organizers will keep close communication with exhibitors regarding the subsequent preparations.

“We have received strong support from relevant sectors of the community since the postponement was announced,” the release said. “The organizers appreciate all your long-term trust, support and understanding! Looking forward to meeting you in Nanjing in November!

Read 1614 times Last modified on September 2, 2022

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