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Wire Journal News

WAI and WCISA reaffirm industry partner status, lots of overlap between the two

The Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association® (WCISA®) and the Wire Association International are pleased to cooperate as Industry Partners at Interwire 2023, supporting the activities of each other’s association on behalf of the wire and cable industry.

Of note, the Industry Partnership agreement was reached five years ago. Its practical deployment, however, was sidelined at Interwire 2021 by Covid-19. Being able to fully resume that relationship at Interwire 2023 is a positive step. 

The agreement relates to how the two associations can support each other’s efforts. It also is quite fitting, as WCISA serves member companies that are essential suppliers to the wire and cable industry. Many WCISA company employees are also members of the WAI.

“We are pleased to cooperate with the WAI as Industry Partners with the shared goals of supporting the wire and cable industry and our common members,” said WCISA President Drew Richards, CEO of RichardsApex, Inc. “Many WCISA companies are regular participants in WAI-produced exhibitions, Interwire and Wire Expo, and we look forward to supporting these events and networking with WAI leadership at our ‘WCISA Night Out’ gatherings.”

The 2023 WCISA Night Out for members will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm on Monday, May 8, at the Der Biergarten at 300 Marietta Street Northeast.

The WAI has honorary membership in WCISA, and among those looking forward to the event is WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll. As he explains, a gathering of wire and cable professionals is always interesting. “I always see a lot
of familiar faces, and it almost feels like I’m at a WAI event. We both exist to further the wire and cable industry, and we do that in different ways, but it’s the same field, and the ability to hold a get-together like this to thank everyone for their participation, for helping make it all work, is a good way for everyone.”

Read 1364 times Last modified on April 6, 2023

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