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The Book of Terms

The Book of TermsThe WJI Book of Wire & Cable Terms: an interactive experience of learning and sharing
This book, written by industry volunteers and containing more than 5,000 entries, is an asset for newcomers to wire and cable.

At the same time, it also represents an opportunity for industry veterans to give back by either updating or adding to the more than 5,000 entries. This is an honor system process. Entries/updates must be non-commercial, and any deemed not to be so will be removed. Share your expertise as part of this legacy project to help those who will follow. Purchase a printed copy here.


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Electromagnetic Emission

Radiated or conducted electromagnetic energy emitted from a given source.

Electromagnetic Field

A rapidly moving electric field and its associated moving magnetic field, located at right angles both to the electric lines of force and to their direction of motion.

Electromagnetic Induction

The production of a voltage in a coil due to a change in the number of magnetic lines of force (flux linkages) passing through the coil.

Electromagnetic Interference

Flowing currents generate magnetic fields. Depending on the strength and proximity, these magnetic fields can induce unwanted current in nearby conductive media, negatively affecting signal transfer or primary current flow.

Electromagnetic Testing

This process subjects material to an electromagnetic field. Eddy currents are induced in the metal and magnetic fields are created as a result. Surface seams, cracks, slivers or laps affect the currents and fields which, when read by a sensing device and compared against a standard, indicate the type, size and location of the imperfection. Factors such as surface smoothness, grade, prior thermal treatment and cold working can influence the accuracy. Also referred to as “eddy current” testing, it is not the same as a magnetic particle test.


Magnetism caused by the flow of an electric current.


Capable of producing an electric current.

Electromotive Force

Pressure or voltage: the force that causes current to flow in a circuit. Sometimes applied to the force generated by the intersection of magnet flux lines.

Electromotive Series

A list of elements arranged according to their standard electrode potential. A metal will replace another metal below it in the series. Metals above hydrogen in the series will replace the hydrogen of the acid and form a salt.


That portion of an atom that circles around the center, or nucleus. An electron possesses a negative electric charge, and is the smallest charge of negative electricity known.

Electron Beam Microprobe Analyzer

An instrument for selective analysis of a microscopic component or feature in which an electron beam bombards the point of interest in a vacuum at a given energy level. Scanning of a larger area permits determination of the distribution of selected elements. The analysis is made by measuring the wavelengths and intensities of secondary electromagnetic radiation resulting from the bombardment.

Electronegative Gas

A type of insulating gas used in pressure cables, such as SF6.

Electronic Hook-Up Wires

Wires used to make the internal connections between the various electrical parts of electronic assemblies.

Electronic Wire and Cable

A length of conductive or semi-conductive material, with or without insulation and other “refinements,” which is used in an electronic application. It could be a length of lamp cord when used as a speaker extension cable, or a piece of braided wire cable used as a chassis ground strap.


The science dealing with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum, gaseous media and semiconductors.


Application of a metallic coating on a surface by means of an electrolytic action.


Coating one metal with a film of another by placing the article to be plated in a bath and connecting it to the negative pole of a source of low voltage direct current; the anode or positive electrode is generally made of the metal to be plated, although in some cases an inert anode is used, the coating being supplied by the electrolyte.


An electrically controlled device that uses an electrical signal to initiate an airflow or air pressure for some mechanical function.


Enhancing the surface finish by preferential dissolution of metal at the anode. The current density, and hence solution rate, is greatest at sharp points.


Pertaining to static electricity or produced by static electric charges.

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The Wire Association Int.

71 Bradley Road, Suite 9

Madison, CT 06443-2662

P: (203) 453-2777